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Veteran Services

The purpose for conducting Army, Navy, Military and more Funeral Honors is to honor the veteran, and to support his or her family by providing those honors. Our goal is to ensure that all funeral missions are completed to standard, and that they leave a positive and memorable memory for the veteran’s family. Funeral Directors usually assist the family with requesting honors.

All eligible veterans (those who are Honorably Discharged) are entitled to an honors service. This includes a two or three Soldier detail, the playing of Taps, the folding of the Flag, and the presentation of the Flag to the next-of-kin.

Serenity Funeral Home, LLC is proud to serve your loved one and honor their appreciated service for our country. For more information, please give us a call at (609) 383-9994 at any time.

For a clearer understanding of the Veteran Honors process, please refer to the link below.

Contact Us


414 South Main St.,

Pleasantville, NJ 08232


Telephone: (609) 383-9994

Fax: (609) 383-9920

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Business Hours

Mon-Fri  9:00 AM-5:00 PM
Saturday 9:00 AM-12:00 PM, By Appointment
Sunday: 24 hr Phone Service

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